Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Dieser kompakte Schimmwhirlpool ist nur vier Meter lang, aber bietet dieselben Vorteile wie ein o...
Dieser kompakte Schimmwhirlpool ist nur vier Meter lang, aber bietet dieselben Vorteile wie ein olympisches Wettkampfbad. Durch den Gegenstrom der kräftigen Massagedüsen vorne im Bad, bleiben Sie während des Schwimmens an Ihrer Stelle. Hierdurch benötigen Sie nur einige Meter, um sich in einem meterlangen Schwimmbad zu wähnen. Ideal für den kleineren Garten, in dem Sie sich so gerne ein eigenes Schwimmbad wünschen. Ein zusätzlicher Vorteil besteht darin, dass der Schwimmwhirlpool sehr energiesparsam ist.
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