Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
Tailored hydrotherapy: Your path to ultimate relaxation.
Each Passion Spa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate in hydrotherapy relief for you. Through years of experience and close cooperation with physiotherapists, we have designed a variety of massage experiences that are unique to Passion Spas
In dem Aquatic 7 profitieren Sie von allen Vorteilen eines Dual-Zone-Schwimmwhirlpools. Dies bein...
In dem Aquatic 7 profitieren Sie von allen Vorteilen eines Dual-Zone-Schwimmwhirlpools. Dies beinhaltet, dass die Schwimmzone von der Whirlpoolzone komplett getrennt ist. Hierdurch haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Whirlpoolzone ein paar Grad wärmer einzustellen als in der Schwimmzone. Sie relaxen dann in warmem Wasser, wohingegen Sie sich in kälterem Wasser anstrengen können. Die Multifunktionalität eines Schwimmwhirpools ist hierdurch noch stärker vorhanden.
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